Randonneurs Main

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Spring Brevet Series
"Cache Creek 600" Photos
May 30, 2014

Photos: Étienne Hossack


Once again, I shove too much food into my bags. Oh well, better than starving!

Tobin rolls in with a smile


Ryan somehow rode for ages with the wool jersey. Crazy man.

Hello my favourite Seabird Island store!

Tobin's butt as we finally take off!

Extra light-weight seat setup.

Hello again Seabird Island! I see you again so soon!

Seat back on, Tobin ready to roll!

Tobin is enjoyin' the rollin'

Another climbing butt shot.

Canyon shots like Alex!

The highway is really cool, and weaves in the rock!

Yeah... He's not going that fast

Crossing the canyon on the bridge. Joins weren't so fun on the tires.

Obligatory weird self-shot!

Flora were lush and exciting

Where's this darned motel!??

Apparently we climbed a hill?

Shot down the canyon

Shot up the canyon

Tobin needs a resty-westy

Heading down the mountain!

Friendly rest area :D

Approaching the river with Tobin determined

My last photo... BUTT SHOT
