Randonneurs Main

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Spring Brevet Series
"Concrete Seahorse" Photos
May 17, 2014

Photos: Étienne Hossack


The tandem train along 0 Ave. Ryan, Chad and Keith in the distance ahead.

Craig disappears off to find the front group after the first control. Mmmm rumble strips.

Craig only leaves his aero-bars to eat or drink. See him behind me doing just this.

Luis, Craig and Andrew approaching the Chuckanut

Blurry, but beautiful highway


How would you like this to be your schoolbus ride?

From above, case and point. Craig, "OMNOMNOMNOM"

My trusty steed and the sign of relief.

Tandem Train #2 and Andrew tagging along.

At Deming I observed that Cheryl believed in caffeine, caffeine, and caffeine.

Craig smiles at the end, truly believing in his broccoli and cheddar soup.

Nigel downs his second extra-milkshake cup of the night. Hard earned of course.
